- About Us
- Advisory board
- Automata LINQ platform
- Automate iPSC cell culture workflows
- Automated cell culture media exchange – Automata
- Automated ELISA
- Automating any lab application – Automata
- Automating NGS library preparation
- Cell Culture
- Cell Line Development
- Cell-Based Assays
- Clinical Genomics
- Colony counting
- Contact Us
- Delivering flexibility for CRO labs: infrastructure-level automation for changing client demands
- Deployment and Service
- Design your LINQ with our Lab Configurator
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Fully automated cell biology workflows
- GDPR and Privacy Policy
- Genomics
- Get exclusive insights into lab automation
- Hardware: The Automata LINQ Bench
- High Throughput Screening
- High-throughput screening
- Lab Automation – Automata Labs
- Lab automation solutions
- Laboratory automation software
- Nucleic Acid Extraction
- Our commercial leaders
- Our finance and business operation leaders
- Our leadership team
- Quality Control
- Resources
- What is lab automation?
- 2023 AACC Annual Scientific Meeting and Clinical Lab Expo
- 34th European Congress of Pathology
- ACGS Summer Conference
- AltemisLab Oxford meeting November
- ASHG’s Annual Meeting
- ASM Microbe 2023
- Automata launches the LINQ platform
- Automata launches the most comprehensive automated lab solution on the market: Automata Labs
- Automata partners with The Francis Crick Institute
- Automata partners with The Royal Marsden
- Automata raises $40m to accelerate growth and global presence
- Automata raises US$50 Million in Series B financing to accelerate automation in Life Sciences
- Automata Technologies appoints advisory board of senior health and life sciences industry executives
- Automating diagnostics: Lessons learnt from the COVID-19 frontline
- Bioprocessing Summit
- BioTechX: Data. AI. Precision. Innovation. For Pharma, Healthcare & Partners
- bit.bio and Automata partnership
- Boston Lab Automators
- Campden Bri: Hot topics in food microbiology on-site conference
- Crick International Cancer Conference
- Drug Discovery 2023
- eLabDiscovery Day
- European Human Genetics Conference 2023
- Festival of Biologics
- Future Food-Tech
- Future Labs Live
- Future Labs Live
- Future Labs Live USA
- Future Labs, Automation & Technology
- Green Lab Symposium
- HSL unlocks faster turnaround times for NHS pathology with Automata
- Joe Stringer joins Automata
- LRIG Canada
- LRIG New England’s Fall Seminar and Exhibition
- LRIG Philly
- Midwest LRIG
- NHS Foundation Trust signs collaboration agreement with Automata to automate laboratories
- On-demand webinar: Addressing liquid handling bottlenecks with automation
- On-demand webinar: Automating diagnostics
- On-demand webinar: Breaking down the journey towards the smart labs of the future roundtable
- On-demand webinar: Lab automation for cancer genomics
- On-demand webinar: Next steps in genomics workflow automation
- On-demand webinar: Reshaping cell biology experiments for automation
- On-demand webinar: Thinking beyond the benchtop instruments
- On-demand webinar: Unifying science for infrastructure-level lab automation
- Oxford Global SmartLabs UK 2022
- SLAS 2024
- SLAS Europe 2023
- SLAS Europe 2024
- SLAS San Diego 2023
- The Bioprocessing Summit
- Unlocking your lab’s potential at the Festival of Genomics
- WMA Summer Meeting
- 3 key themes from Future Food-Tech Alternative Proteins Summit
- Agrigenomics: the role of automation
- Applying automation lessons from manufacturing in the lab
- Automata and The Francis Crick Institute seek molecular biologist for an exciting new project
- Automated cell culture incubation
- Automation in cancer genome sequencing
- Automation in microbiology
- Automation solutions for CROs
- Automation solutions for drug discovery
- Balancing usability and functionality
- Becoming a smart lab: the three stages
- Bench to bedside: what is translational research, and how can automation help?
- Benefits of automated liquid handling in cell culture
- Challenges of working with genetically edited cells
- Common sources of error in biology lab experiments
- Conference takeaways: SLAS 2024
- Creating a single source of truth for your lab
- CRISPR in agriculture: applications, benefits & risks
- Diagnostic automation key for NHS to ‘build back better’
- Dynamic replanning: a new way to schedule workflows and why it matters
- ELISA assay validation: how automation can help
- Ensuring quality in laboratory diagnostics
- Five reasons flexibility needs to be a standard feature of automation solutions
- Five ways we redesigned the lab bench for automation
- Four methods for enhancing automation in your lab
- From robot arms to automation platforms: the future of lab tech
- How automated labs can improve information gathering
- How automating labs can improve PCR testing capacity, accuracy and speed
- How automation prevents human error in the laboratory
- How to automate diagnostics processes
- How to automate your chemistry lab
- How to better utilise staff in cell culture labs
- How to ensure lab reproducibility with automation
- How to ensure quality control in a lab
- How to improve laboratory productivity
- How to improve turnaround time in the lab
- How to reduce downtime in a drug discovery lab
- How to select the right lab automation partner
- How to unlock the space in your lab
- Human error in colony counting in a clonogenic assay
- Improving cell culture quality
- Improving NGS library prep with automation
- Industry insider: my takeaways from SmartLabs UK 2022
- Investigating lab automation in early drug discovery
- Is this the end of fit to fly COVID-19 PCR tests?
- Maintaining cell lines with automation
- Making error handling better
- Omicron puts PCR testing back in the news. How can labs meet demand?
- Plant tissue culture: how automation can help
- Preparing reagents: how automation can help
- Quick automation wins in mammalian cell culture
- Scaling cell culture processes
- Scaling up ELISA development with automation
- Seven steps for increasing efficiency in diagnostics
- SLAS conference tips and Boston science tourism
- SLAS Europe 2022: five key trends in lab automation this year
- Tackling flexibility
- The benefits of lab automation for diagnostic testing
- The four biggest trends in lab automation this year
- The future of genome editing in agriculture
- Tips for contract labs: sourcing future-proofed automation solutions
- Unlock the potential of your science lab with automation
- Unlocking the potential of 3D cell cultures with automation
- Unlocking the potential of genomic sequencing
- Unlocking the power of people in your lab
- What are cloud labs?
- What is lab 4.0?
- What is laboratory workflow automation in diagnostic testing?
- Which lab processes can be automated today?